Do-it-yourselfers and solopreneurs are everywhere, launching eBay stores, artisanal eats, e-books, life coaching services, apps, tutoring businesses—you name it—on top of their regular jobs. They're adding to their incomes, building safety nets, learning new skills, and finding a sense of fulfillment they never dreamed possible.
One study found that more than a third of under-40 respondents had started supplemental businesses. And the trend extends further, as Baby Boomers eyeing retirement are turning to sideline endeavors to sustain their lifestyles.
Get in on the action with The Economy of You, a groundbreaking book that both documents the exploding side-gig phenomenon and supplies how-to information for creating a lucrative venture of your own, including:
building a social network
The Economy of You recounts story after story of people who are liberating themselves from financial strain. A deli employee who makes custom cakes at night. An instrument repairman who sells voice-overs on his website. A videographer who started a profitable publishing house on the side. Even the author's own entrepreneurial journey, triggered by the job anxieties of a turbulent profession and income demands of a new baby. Her self-created series of financial planners, along with extra freelance work, supplied the additional revenue stream she needed.
Your current job may be comfortable, but there's no guarantee it will grow sufficiently to cover rising expenses—or even last beyond the next paycheck. It's up to YOU to build stability by tapping into your inner entrepreneur and becoming a money-making engine. It's empowering, gratifying, and surprisingly easy to do with The Economy of You.